Chocolate Covered Strawberries$35.00PrecioOne of our most popular VALENTINE'S DAY items! Minimum order of 1 dozen.Choose the type of chocolate, toppings and wrapping arrangement.Chocolate Type:ElegirToppings:ElegirPackaging:ElegirCustom Note?ElegirWhat personalized message would you like us to include on your note? (If applicable) (opcional)500CantidadAgregar al carrito
Chocolate Covered Strawberries$35.00PrecioOne of our most popular VALENTINE'S DAY items! Minimum order of 1 dozen.Choose the type of chocolate, toppings and wrapping arrangement.Chocolate Type:ElegirToppings:ElegirPackaging:ElegirCustom Note?ElegirWhat personalized message would you like us to include on your note? (If applicable) (opcional)500CantidadAgregar al carrito